🌎 Worldview & Life
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What's the most likely cause for the end of humanity, and how do we stop it?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's a standout moment where you felt excited recently?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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What's a habit you picked up as a child that you wish you hadn't?
Level 2
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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Have you learned the lesson of forgiveness? Why or why not?
Level 3
πŸ’œ Relationships
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If you have siblings, how do you (or did you) quarrel with them?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's something you recently taught yourself?
Level 3
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's your most common feeling lately?
Level 2
πŸ’œ Relationships
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What quality do you most appreciate about your partner?
Level 2
🌎 Worldview & Life
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Who is your favorite philosopher or thinker, and what influence have they had on you?
Level 3
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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What are you most jealous of about others?
Level 3
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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If you could ask your future self one thing, what would it be?
Level 1
πŸ’œ Relationships
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What is one commitment you've made to showing up differently in a particular relationship of yours?
Level 2
🌎 Worldview & Life
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What's a current trend you find concerning?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What are you grateful for lately?
Level 2
🌎 Worldview & Life
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What's the most useful thing you've ever been taught in school?
Level 1
🎲 Random & Fun
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What's something that will never cease to make you laugh?
Level 2
🧊 Icebreakers
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If you had to choose a theme song for your life, what would it be?
Level 2
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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What were some of my most challenging learning moments in your career, and what made them so?
Level 3
🎲 Random & Fun
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If you were reincarnated as an animal based on your personality, what animal do you think you would come back as?
Level 1
🎲 Random & Fun
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Who here is most likely to invent the next technology that'll save the planet?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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What's something you used to be ashamed of but have come to embrace?
Level 3
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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Have you ever had to negotiate salary or a promotion? What's your strategy?
Level 2
πŸ’œ Relationships
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What or who do you have an unhealthy relationship with?
Level 2
🌎 Worldview & Life
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If you could instantly bankrupt any person, company, country, or organization, who would it be?
Level 2
🎲 Random & Fun
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Imagine you could bring drawings to life; what’s the first thing you would draw?
Level 3
🌎 Worldview & Life
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Imagine you could instill one habit in your child that they would carry for life. What habit would you choose and why?
Level 2
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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What fact about yourself took you the longest to understand or accept?
Level 3
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What made you happy today?
Level 1
🌎 Worldview & Life
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If your life was a story, what chapter would you currently be in, and what would its title be?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What compliment would you give yourself right now?
Level 2
πŸ’œ Relationships
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What do you most need to hear right now, and from whom?
Level 3
🎲 Random & Fun
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Who here is most likely to dedicate their life trying to go to another planet?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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Thinking about your current #1 goal, what makes you optimistic you'll achieve it?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's a significant change you're considering or have made?
Level 3
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's a compliment you recently received?
Level 1
🧊 Icebreakers
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If you could have any mythical creature as a pet, which one would you choose?
Level 2
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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Do you feel challenged enough at work?
Level 1
πŸ’œ Relationships
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What's your ideal first date?
Level 2
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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What practice or habit (if anything) best supports your mental health/well-being?
Level 2
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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Have you attended any interesting work-related seminars or workshops lately?
Level 1
🧊 Icebreakers
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What is the last book you read? Would you recommend it?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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What is your biggest accomplishment outside of academia and work?
Level 2
🌎 Worldview & Life
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What is something that is important to you that you never really talk about?
Level 3
🎲 Random & Fun
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Who here is most likely to call in sick at work just to travel for a concert in another state?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's a truth you've recently come to terms with?
Level 3
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What recent mistake taught you the most?
Level 3
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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How has your perspective on work-life balance evolved over the years, and what influences shaped this?
Level 3
🧊 Icebreakers
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What's your earliest memory?
Level 2
🌎 Worldview & Life
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How has your definition of happiness changed as you've gotten older?
Level 3
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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Explain your current feelings in life to a 3 year old.
Level 2
🎲 Random & Fun
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Which superhero’s powers do you feel are underestimated?
Level 3
πŸ’œ Relationships
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Which of your expectations of someone is causing hurt?
Level 3
🧊 Icebreakers
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What's a movie you can watch over and over without ever getting tired of?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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What do you plan to learn in the coming days?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's the most fun you recently had? What did you do, and who were you with?
Level 1
🎲 Random & Fun
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If you could level up any aspect of yourself (i.e., strength, intelligence, charisma, etc.) but you had to decrease another aspect of yourself by the same amount, what aspects would you level up and sacrifice?
Level 3
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What do you wish people would talk more about right now?
Level 3
πŸ’œ Relationships
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Complete this sentence: "I wish I had someone with whom I could share ... "
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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What's the most important life lesson you've learned in the last 10 years?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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What's something you strongly believed in your childhood that you no longer feel sure about?
Level 3
🌎 Worldview & Life
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If you could promote one value or ethic in the world, what would it be and why do you think it's vital?
Level 3
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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When do you feel most like yourself?
Level 1
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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How do you approach networking, and have you had any success stories?
Level 2
🌎 Worldview & Life
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Think of your biggest regret. If you could go back in time and make a decision to keep it from happening, would you?
Level 3
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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What talent of yours do you consider to be inherent, like an advantage you were born with?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's something you recently learned?
Level 2
🧊 Icebreakers
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If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?
Level 1
🎲 Random & Fun
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Do you have an internal hunch about how you will die?
Level 3
πŸ’œ Relationships
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How do you show someone you care about them?
Level 1
🌎 Worldview & Life
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Have you ever turned down an opportunity, then came to later regret that decision?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's that one thing you keep buying or doing even though you know it's unhealthy?
Level 2
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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What's one piece of critical feedback you've received? How did you act on it?
Level 2
🎲 Random & Fun
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What's the most bizarre dream you've ever had?
Level 2
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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What word describes your essence the best?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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Is there any aspect of your identity you sometimes feel you must suppress or amplify in certain social settings?
Level 3
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What are you most proud of right now?
Level 1
🎲 Random & Fun
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If you could create a new holiday, what would it celebrate?
Level 2
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What area in your life do you feel you’re making progress? Not making progress?
Level 2
πŸ’œ Relationships
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What was your relationship like with your siblings growing up? If you didn't have them, who did you spend a lot of time with?
Level 2
πŸ’œ Relationships
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What's a difficult conversation you've been meaning to have?
Level 3
🎲 Random & Fun
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If you were a dictator of a small country, what crazy dictator things would you do?
Level 2
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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What lesson have you had to learn again and again?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What actions, if taken, would make you proud of yourself a month from now, regardless of the outcome?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What aspects of life are you loving most right now?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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How well are you taking care of yourself lately?
Level 1
🎲 Random & Fun
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Without saying what the category is, what are your top five?
Level 3
🎲 Random & Fun
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What is a childhood habit or preference that you'll never outgrow?
Level 2
🌎 Worldview & Life
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What makes you optimistic about the future?
Level 3
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's a funny or interesting story from your week?
Level 1
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What battles are you fighting right now?
Level 3
🎲 Random & Fun
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If you could witness any event from the past, present, or future, what would it be and why?
Level 2
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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How do you stay updated with the latest developments in your field?
Level 2
🎲 Random & Fun
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Who here is is most likely to look almost the same years from now?
Level 1
🌎 Worldview & Life
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What's something you're absolutely convinced is going to happen in the future?
Level 3
πŸ’Ό Work & Career
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In what ways do you mentor or support others in your field?
Level 3
🌎 Worldview & Life
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What's the worst advice you've ever been given?
Level 2
πŸ‘‹ Check-in
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What's a personal value or belief you've been reflecting on?
Level 3
🧊 Icebreakers
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What's your favorite snack?
Level 1
πŸ€” Self Reflection
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Are you waiting on someone or something to progress in an aspect of your life?
Level 3
🎲 Random & Fun
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If you were perpetually surrounded by one aroma (asides your own, natural scent) which you and everyone around you could smell, what would it be?
Level 2

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