Simple, fair pricing

The first two issues of your Letterloop are free. Afterwards, a single subscription will keep your Letterloop going for everyone in your group.
$5 / month
One subscription for all your Letterloops.
Try for free →

✓ Customize your Letterloop’s delivery time and frequency

✓ Let everyone ask and answer fun & interesting questions

✓ Access unlimited archives of your Letterloop’s historical issues

✓ Reschedule, pause, or extend a Letterloop issue as needed

✓ You’re always in full control of your Letterloop data — no ads, ever

Letterloop for
Teams & Work
Let everyone connect, learn about each other’s lives, and celebrate key moments.
Try the beta →
$50 / month billed monthly

✓ Hundreds of social, cultural, and icebreaker questions for teams and workplace

✓ Branded logo at the top of your Letterloop

✓ Make admin announcements in any issue of your Letterloop

✓ Celebrate member birthdays and congratulate life events with fun & easy group cards

✓ Question Bank for an automated queue of curated questions

Subscribe to LetterloopOr, try for free →
How do I subscribe to Letterloop?
If you're the Owner, you can sponsor your Letterloop on behalf of your group to keep it going for everyone. Just sign in and head to the subscription page. If someone else in your group would like to sponsor the Letterloop, you can transfer ownership to them. From there, they can create a subscription.
Why does Letterloop cost money?
Among social apps, costing money is unusual. But we think costing money is a good thing — it means we never show ads, and we never sell your data.

Instead, a monthly fee allows to run our servers and forever keep Letterloop a truly private and meaningful place for your friends, families, and teams.

If your Letterloop brings everyone closer together, we hope you find it valuable enough to pay for it directly.
Do I need a credit card upfront?
Nope! You can sign up and send your first two issues completely free. Afterwards, one person from your group can sponsor the Letterloop to keep it going.
How many people can I add to my Letterloop?
We recommend keeping your Letterloop between 3-10 people. If you have a group with more than 10 people, consider if it makes sense to break it into smaller groups so that each can have their own Letterloop.
What does my subscription include?
Your subscription covers all Letterloops that you own, and allows you to create unlimited issues. Each Letterloop includes unlimited members and fully customizable questions and sections. Your subscription also includes access to all your historical issues, presented beautifully on web, iOS, and Android.
How do I manage my Letterloop subscription?
Just to your account and click the menu in the top right. From there, you'll see a link called Subscription. Alternatively, here's a direct link to the subscription page. This page allows you to create, pause, cancel, or edit your subscription at any time.
What if I need to cancel?
We think you're going to love Letterloop, but of course understand that sometimes the timing isn't right. If you ever need to cancel, just sign in to your account, select the menu in the top right, and head to the Subscription section. You can cancel or update billing information from there. Feel free to shoot us an email at if you need any help!